Inspire Tomorrow

In order to bring about truly necessary and sustainable changes in individuals, companies and society, we need a new way of thinking, feeling and acting. The highly disruptive events currently taking place are a lesson to us and a challenge to change essentially.

About me

My name is Simone Klinkner. Right at the beginning of my studies in business administration at the University of Mannheim, I quickly realized that people and organizations are more than the imagined structures and processes in which they operate. Therefore, it was a logical deduction for me to directly link my entrepreneurial knowledge with the study of organizational psychology. Since my interest has always been in psychology and the dynamics of people, quite a few further trainings around psychology, dynamics and mental alignment of individuals and teams followed – especially due to my own experiences of such and such nature in the first years of my career.

More concretely:

  • 2 years training as a systemic coach for individuals and teams (ISB Wiesloch)
  • Career coach (ISB Wiesloch)
  • Several years of further training in Transactional Analysis
  • Mental Health Seminar (Yale University)
  • Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI I+II) Practitioner
  • PROSCI Practitioner

In the first 10 years of my professional career I gained profound international marketing & sales, leadership and reorganization expertise in the field of cosmetics and surface technology at Henkel in Düsseldorf, including worldwide travels to the steel mills also of Poland, Romania and Macedonia. With the beginning of the family phase I started my own business as Change Consultant and Executive Coach. The doors were still open at my “old” company and to the colleagues I had grown fond of. However, it was clear to me that I would never again be able to do the same amount of work as before, and I wanted to avoid being a part-time employee responsible for editing an Excel spreadsheet, while in the meeting room next to me the real business was flourishing. It was not an easy but very honest decision to leave the successful path I had chosen. On the other hand, I felt very clearly that my work with people from the outside on organizations or even with them in the coaching sessions was the right further professional path. Following my inner voice, I was right.

Today, at the INSTITUTE FOR MANAGEMENT EXCELLENCE, I develop and lead “large-scale” change management programs and comprehensively coach people in top management positions and people who want to identify and walk the best path for themselves, both professionally and privately.

In 2017 – having just been interviewed about my work and still sitting “wired” in my armchair, I was invited by the TV station rheinmaintv to produce and host my own format “BusinessLife TV”. This was followed by the international interview production INSPIRE TOMORROW, which invites people to think, feel and act in a new way in German and English. How this came about is a story in itself, best told over a glass of wine.

In order to professionalize people sustainably for the successful and easiest possible handling of realignments and changes for themselves and organizations, I now pass on my years of experienced and adapted change know-how for companies and the necessary emotional self-leadership in transformation processes in specially designed seminars and retreats, online and high up in the Austrian mountains. Coaching, i.e. the further development of individuals, is a central component of this. Change processes have a structural logic, which is of course needed, as well as an intelligently filled toolbox and appropriate communication know-how. At least as important, however, is the attitude towards the people involved and the good feeling and intuition as to what is really needed. At least this combination is my recipe for success over and over again and I am happy to pass on all my knowledge to you from the bottom of my heart.